Monday, August 30, 2010

First 3 Days in Paris...

The TGV was TGV indeed true to its name, however I note with irony that the journey from Amsterdam to Brussels took 2/3 of the time even though that only represented 1/3 of the total distance! The train had to stop too many times along the Amsterdam-Belgium route, but otherwise the ride went without significant incident.

On Paris proper, the weather was good. No excessive wind and rain like Netherlands, particularly in Amsterdam. I have also noticed that the price of necessities is on the average, higher than that of the Netherlands, even Amsterdam. This comes as no surprise since according to the Global Cost of Living Index, Paris is ranked 12th but Amsterdam 25th (and people complain of the excessive costs of living in Amsterdam!).

There are also bike paths in Paris, much to my (genuine) surprise. However, the bike paths are, unlike the Netherlands, not clearly marked half the time and shared with bus/taxi lanes the other half of the time. In spite of the availability of rental bikes (1st 30 mins free!), there are far less cyclists in Paris. I would imagine that no one needs to bike with the excellent and low-cost metro system. Apparently, no given point in Paris is more than 400m away from a metro station. To round up here are some pictures taken after sunset. Paris is really beautiful at night, true to its name 'City of the Lights'.

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